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The Good Posture Blog

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Core Strength ‘IS’ For Dummies or Just Say NO to Core Exercises

Core Strength
'IS' for
couldn't figure out which title above says it better so I used them both. You DON’T need to exercise your core muscles to strengthen against back pain and, in fact, you shouldn't.  This usually makes your back problem worse by strengthening it into the painful position.

No NO!
But, people often want to do everything they can themselves before turning to a professional for help. This isn't necessarily wrong and, in fact, there are many things you can, and should do yourself to take stress off your back.

Sorry to rant about this but I just saw an advertisement for a seminar on how to treat back problems with core muscle exercises, and I wanted to express another viewpoint.

There’s a longer explanation about why core exercises make your body worse in my e-book, Owner’s Manual for the Body.  Also included is nearly everything you need to learn about how to take care of your back yourself.

All in all, this should be a relief (and more) to all of you who no longer need to put yourself through all of these exercises.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Doctor's Advice: Buy New Shoes Often

Broken down shoes look fine on the outside
I see a big problems when people's shoes break down INSIDE, where they don't see it. The problem is that they affect your posture in a bad way - long before they actually show signs of wear. The abnormal change in your posture can lead to neck and back pain. Truthfully, if you wear your shoes much, you're likely to only get about 3 months out of a pair of typical sneakers before they are too broken down INSIDE to support you right.

I have seen too many people need to get treated extra times simply because their shoes were worn out and this messed with their body. I would always tell them about it, and some would listen. Others thought they were saving money by getting more mileage out of their shoes. It was amazing to watch these patients come in and pay for extra treatments (sometimes many) instead of springing for a new pair of shoes and saving their money.

The thing to remember is that if your body starts hurting for no apparent reason then broken down shoes may be the cause. You may still need an adjustment from your chiropractor, because by the time you feel the symptoms, your shoes have already messed with your body. Just replace your shoes as well and don't forget to fix the insides of your new ones. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Improve Posture, Body Language, and Attitudes

Wow! Listen to what this doctor talking about posture in "Your body language shapes who you are."

It's about more than what we communicate to others through our posture... though we know this is true; it's about how our posture and body language changes our mind.

She tells you how to make "Tiny Tweaks" to make "BIG CHANGES" in how you think, feel, and act.

I would simply add to this to do all you can, all the time, to get and keep your posture pure. WHY NOT!?