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The Good Posture Blog

Friday, April 19, 2013

Why You Should Go Shoe Shopping Now!

Over the years I have seen that trends change structurally as well as visually, in shoe design. So here's the good news… Shoes are looking pretty good this year!

This seasons shoes are good for posture
 I went shoe shopping with my wife last week. Now, generally this isn't one of the highlights of my life but the company is great and when Mama's good, I'm good. So, I went to help her pick out some shoes. I was amazed at the number of ones that I could posturally approve.

There were lots of "flats" this year (why do they call them that if they have some heel height?) that are "Porter approved". They are flat under the arch, have a firm insole, and many are raised up a bit in the heel. Most women won’t need much in the way of extra support but I usually recommend Heel Chips and an Orthotic Dot to make them just right.

Alas, we get to go shopping again soon as she didn't find any she liked.